Apparently Auburn is planning to unveil and erect a statue of Heisman-winning QB Cam Newton in the next year. You would think that it would take more than one year for a player to earn that honor, especially since the controversy surrounding his name. First of all, he was suspended while a Freshman for the Gators for stealing a laptop, and eventually transferred instead of facing punishment for three different instances of academic cheating. What's the over/under on how long this statue will stay up anyway? We all know about the NCAA's investigation that is still going on. Doesn't Auburn want until Newton's name is "cleared" before giving him this honor? I guess the entirety of Auburn was living under a rock through out the duration of the Reggie Bush scandal. USC got punished five years after Bush was gone. That very well could happen in this situation. We know that Newton's father did in fact approach colleges to try to get money in return for Cam attending school, but I'm sure there's nooooooo way that Cam could have possibly known about that.
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