Friday, May 27, 2011

Why I Love College Sports

These two videos are perfect examples of why I love college sports. They're out there having the most fun imaginable. No way an MLB team lets its players joust during a rain day. In professional sports, you can't even play a game of pick up basketball because you risk getting hurt and having the team try to void your contract. In college, its about having as much fun as possible. I don't think the guys jousting from Radford and High Point are too worried about getting hurt and risking their professional careers. They play baseball because they love the game and its fun, not for money or fame because most likely they will never even have that opportunity. The Clemson vs Davidson video is just pure entertainment and creativity. Just teams having a good time with each other during a rain delay. You don't see that in the MLB. Professional players are too busy calling restaurants to change their dinner reservations.

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